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Our Recent Posts


Let me get you up to speed...

This blog is still being constructed, so this is what has happened so far...

The first Invincible Crew book titled The boy with no name, came out at the end of February. I had no idea how much work is involved to get to that point. (Maximum respect to those who've done this several times.) It was only available online at first, it took about a couple of weeks for the actual book to become available. I was never given a clear reason why.

My first book signing was April 7th at Copper Cat Books, 1570 West Horizon Ridge Parkway #170, in Henderson, Nevada. Can't say enough about how great that place is. Get there if you can! Here's to "Abby" the first customer. She bought a book even before I was set up. That set the pace for the day. Thanks again Abby! Special mention to Riley and her brother Skylar. They both bought a book, and then sat by the fireplace within the store, to read. It was awesome. I got pictures!

Second book signing was April 21st, at the Community Recreation Center in Sun City Anthem at the Annual Spring Fair. There were seven authors present representing the Anthem Authors Club. I was the newbie, I learned from the best. It was a good day.

The next scheduled book signing is May 12th again at the Community Recreation Center. This time it will be the Anthem Club Fair. I'm looking forward to it, come out if you can.

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